Be more like a Mars Bar

Sometimes you just gotta say no to working and stay in your pajamas. Stop feeling so guilty about feeling low or tired, take a morning off, take a day off, take a week.  Why we feel we have to keep going even when we are sick is one of life’s traps. We are made to feel…

‘I’m not good enough’ The most common bullshit belief.

When I start to peel away the layers with my clients, no matter what, lurking away at the bottom there’s a form of ‘I’m not enough.’ We weren’t born like that, we absorbed a rocky platform of shitty beliefs.  Some were built on good intentions by our parents and teachers, many others programmed in by…

You CAN like yourself, it’s quite ok.

    Self love, hmmm, not many of us are so fabulous at that, so try on self like. One of the most common blocks I have is lack of self like. Why did I become so hard on myself?  What is it with the shitty streams of self hating ,bossy, critical thoughts coming from…

To be stronger, grow slower,become wiser.

Hey lovely people. This week I learned a lot about myself, about how I allow others to treat me and about my need to please. How I  repeatedly allow others to spew their shitty distorted thoughts onto me with my permission. I have  tried to make others feel loved and liked, it is my strength…